
This chapter is composed of :

  1. Introduction
  2. EclipseDatabase
  3. Plugin DTD
  4. Plugin Templates
  5. Workspace Templates Project


1. Introduction

The DatabaseExplorer is a view which gathers static and dynamic database information.


2. EclipseDatabase



The EclipseDatabase area is a view of your existing databases.

The Connection you can create will attempt to retrieve the Database Meta Data from an existing Database.

You cannot design a Database Model from EclipseDatabase area.

You need to design your Database Model from a Java Project or a Simple Project in the workspace.

The EclipseDatabase area informations doesn't belong to the workspace but is stored in the EclipseDatabase plugin metadata area :




In this area you will find all the stored information.



Beware that even though the .metadata directory is below the  %WORKSPACE_HOME% directory its content doesn't belong to the workspace.

The content of this directory is not browsable from your Package Explorer or your Navigator view.

If you want to keep these files for further processing, the structure of this .database directory is platform independent.

The Connection directory and the Connection .odc.xml file should have the same name.



The SOYATEC_DATABASE_HOME is an internal variable.

3. Plugin DTD



The Plugin DTD area is a shortcut to the known EclipseDatabase DTDs.

Most of the DTDs are locally or remotely accessible.


4. Plugin Templates



The Plugin Templates area is a shortcut to the EclipseDatabase plugin templates.

5. Workspace Templates Project



The Workspace Templates Project is a shortcut to the .com.soyatec.database.templates Simple Project.